ARAMARK, INC. (Reserved) ID 31190431

  • Summary

    ARAMARK, INC. (Reserved) is a business entity created in Indiana and is a Reserved in accordance with local business registration law. Its registration number is 9993100073 and according to the relevant government agency, it is now Expired.

  • Status

    Expired updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Reserved more like this →

  • Officers


  • Regulatory regime

    Indiana Secretary of State, Business Services

  • Update status

    Most recently checked at 2024-02-22 07:44:37 UTC

  • Comments

ARAMARK, INC. (Reserved) ID 31190436

  • Summary

    ARAMARK, INC. (Reserved) is a business created in Indiana and is a Reserved in accordance with local business registration law. Having the registration number 9994020124, according to the government registry, it is now Expired.

  • Status

    Expired updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Reserved more like this →

  • Officers

    C T Corporation Owner

  • Update status

    Most recently updated at 2024-03-09 03:50:10 UTC